Nam Se-hee from Because This Is My First Life
A quirky computer designer who has bought an apartment and is in the process of paying off the mortgage. He would rather spend his days with his cat than date or marry. So he can pay off his mortgage faster, he rents out the extra room in his townhouse. He is in need of a new tenant as the previous tenant breached some clauses in the lease terms and conditions. He mistook Ji-ho for a guy and rated him the highest compared to previous tenants.

Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory
Characterized as being highly intelligent, but tends to display childish qualities, such as extreme stubbornness and meanness.
He has a genius-level IQ, but displays a fundamental lack of social skills, a tenuous understanding of humor, and difficulty recognizing irony and sarcasm in other people, although he himself often employs them. He exhibits highly idiosyncratic behavior and a general lack of humility, empathy, and toleration.

Mark Zuckerberg from The Social Network
Mark is never without a quick, biting comeback on the tip of his tongue, just waiting for a perceived slight to present itself. Mark cannot stand to be thought of as dumb or lesser by anyone, and tolerates geniuses and fools with almost equal measures of scorn. His ability to form personal relationships is further hindered by the fact that he is mercilessly logical, willing to cut out anyone that might threaten his success. Still, he’s not totally devoid of conscience, and in private moments seems uncertain about the path his life has taken.

Ross Geller from Friends
Ross is considered by many to be the most intelligent member of the group and is noted for his goofy but lovable demeanor.

Brown from LINE Friends
Silent but has a warm heart. His expressionless face is charming, as a friend of everyone who expresses his mind more than words. He seems he doesn’t care much. But, he has a shoulder to share and has a big heart to hear you. He loves Cony who is full of energy, and always there for his little sister Choco.