- Thai Tea Mix – For a truly authentic Thai Iced Tea, all you need to track down is this mix. If you’ve been to Bangkok, it’s this brand (in large canisters) that you would have seen by Thai Iced Tea vendors. The “mix” can be treated and brewed just like any variety of tea.
- Sugar – Thai Iced Tea is sweet. If you want it to taste “right”, you need to add sugar. Feel free to play with the amount though, starting with less if you prefer a less sweet tea.
- Milk – This tea always has a creamy element from milk. Sweetened Condensed Milk is the most common, but you could also use whole milk, half and half, or coconut milk. Keep in mind that none of these substitutes are sweet like sweetened condensed milk, so you may need to add some additional sugar if you want that classic sweet flavor.